
Hi everyone.

The invitations are in the mail!!
You will be receiving yours for the
"08-The Great"
William and Alta Auger Family Reunion
There should be enough invitations
to give to your entire family, if not,
please make extra copies and
make sure they get them!

We want to see EVERYONE
at the reunion this year!!
There will be fun activities for all
-- games, drawings and whatever else we can think of --
along with plenty of time to just visit.

As a special treat, we are having Brent cook his famous
Dutch Oven Potatoes
They are the BEST IN THE WEST and you won't want to miss out on these.

Lunch is at noon!!

Be sure and bring your camera as you won't want to miss out on any of those
"Kodak Moments"
Plan to share your photos.

We will be posting often, so watch for upcoming information.
We are very excited about the reunion this year and seeing everyone.
It is great to get together once a year and renew your family ties.
See you on June 21st!!
Love to you all, Julie and Louise

P.S. If you would like to comment or post, we want to hear from you. Or if you would like, you can call and/or e-mail us and we will post pictures and information you would like to share with everyone.
Let's keep in touch.

Julie 801-967-5841
Louise 208-523-2467

1 comment:

BrightonsMom said...

Hey, I'm Bill & Deone Auger's Great grand daughter.. I just heard about the reunion.. I hope I can make it...
Amanda Farmer
Ps.. You can check my blog out its brightonsmom.blogspot